
Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Marlene Washington and I am what my friends often call a gift psychic. I'm not actually a psychic, but I have a knack for guessing exactly what my friends would love to see appear under the Christmas tree. I spend so much time perusing both online and offline stores that I can think of the perfect gift for anyone on my list. Around Christmas dinner, my family unanimously decided that I shouldn't keep my shopping secrets to myself, so I decided to share them with the whole world through my weblog. Please enjoy!

Four Benefits Of Shopping At The Mall

27 April 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Over the last few years, shopping online has become so easy that many people have entirely stopped shopping at the mall. You may wonder if driving to the mall is really worthwhile when you can order everything you need with a few clicks and a credit card number. But while mall shopping does take more time than shopping online, it does offer its own set of benefits. Here are a few benefits to shopping at a mall shopping center. Read More …

3 Tips For Providing Fresher Produce In Your Restaurant

27 February 2018
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

In your restaurant, you might deal with a whole lot of produce. If this is the case, then you probably want to make sure that it's as fresh as possible. If you are wondering if there is anything else that you can do to keep produce fresh, consider these tips. 1. Consider Looking for a Local Supplier First of all, you may want to think about where you are buying your produce from. Read More …

3 Reasons To Sell Old Gold Items To A Pawnbroker

8 November 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you've got jewelry or other gold items lying around your house, you could be wondering how you can turn these items into cash. Luckily, it's possible with the help of a good local pawn shop. These are a few reasons why a pawn shop can be the best option for getting rid of these pieces. 1. Pawn Shops Often Take Gold in Any Condition If you are worried that a pawnbroker will be picky about the gold that you bring in, you should know that this is usually not the case. Read More …

Collecting Replica Coins Could Be A Fun Hobby For Your Family

20 September 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

If you're looking for a fun hobby to do with your kids, you may want to look into collecting replica coins. This is an interesting and fun hobby for kids who enjoy history or who identify with certain periods of time such as the biblical era or the Old West. Here are some things you may want to know about collecting replica coins. Replica Coins Are Very Close To The Originals Read More …

3 Ways To Use A Shadow Box In Your Child’s Room

2 July 2017
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

You might currently have a shadow box hanging up somewhere in your home with some of your favorite trinkets, but you may have never thought about buying one for your child. However, a shadow box can be used in various ways in your child's bedroom. These are a few ways that you can do so. 1. Display Beloved Toys If your child has some beloved toys that he or she does not play with anymore, you shouldn't just toss them in the trash. Read More …

About Me
The Gift Psychic

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Marlene Washington and I am what my friends often call a gift psychic. I'm not actually a psychic, but I have a knack for guessing exactly what my friends would love to see appear under the Christmas tree. I spend so much time perusing both online and offline stores that I can think of the perfect gift for anyone on my list. Around Christmas dinner, my family unanimously decided that I shouldn't keep my shopping secrets to myself, so I decided to share them with the whole world through my weblog. Please enjoy!
