3 Things To Avoid Before The Appraisal Of Your Coin Collection
Whether you've recently discovered a collection of coins that you had as a child or you've inherited a collection from a family member, you'll naturally want to know what the coins are worth. Knowing the value of your collection is instrumental if you wish to sell some or all of it, but it's also handy for the purpose of insuring the coins. You can look online to find a coin collection appraisal professional who works in your area, and then contact them to set an appointment. There are several things that you should avoid doing before you take your coins to the appraiser, including these things.
Cleaning The Coins
When you look at your assembled coins, there's a good chance that you'll see some that are tarnished or dirty. You might instinctively think about cleaning them, perhaps under the belief that doing so will make them look better and thus increase the likelihood of them having more value. This is a temptation that you should avoid, however. Washing the coins has the potential to severely damage the finish on many of the coins, drastically harming their value. It's far better to leave them as is when you visit the appraisal professional.
Bagging The Coins
People keep their coin collections in many different ways. For example, you might have them in special sleeves in a binder. If you're getting ready to take your collection to a local appraiser, you might think about grouping everything in one bag to make the collection more condensed. Unfortunately, having coins make contact with one another can potentially result in damage. If you have your collection in a binder, it's a better idea to simply take the entire binder to the appraiser's office and have them view your collection as it is. They can carefully remove the coins individually as needed.
Handling The Coins Excessively
Some people can be tempted to spend some time handling their coins before the appraisal begins. You might think that you'll sell the collection soon after you get it appraised, and perhaps feel like you want to enjoy checking out the coins before you part with them. Excessively handling your coins can potentially cause damage, as the oils from your hands can affect the surface of the coins. If you wish to handle the coins, it's best to use a pair of cotton gloves. Learn more about how to deal with your coins before getting them appraised by contacting a local coin appraiser.