4 Custom Products Ideal For Thanksgiving Promotions

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Marlene Washington and I am what my friends often call a gift psychic. I'm not actually a psychic, but I have a knack for guessing exactly what my friends would love to see appear under the Christmas tree. I spend so much time perusing both online and offline stores that I can think of the perfect gift for anyone on my list. Around Christmas dinner, my family unanimously decided that I shouldn't keep my shopping secrets to myself, so I decided to share them with the whole world through my weblog. Please enjoy!

4 Custom Products Ideal For Thanksgiving Promotions

10 October 2022
 Categories: Shopping, Blog

Thanksgiving is a big holiday in the United States and you can take advantage of the celebration with promotional products that advertise your company, branding, and services. When you choose promotional products for Thanksgiving promotions, you want items that customers will use in the kitchen and share with guests around the holidays.

Check out this list of ideas and help promote your company during the holiday.

1. Custom List Pads

Give outlined list pads with your company logo and contact information printed out on each sheet of paper. Around Thanksgiving, many people rely on list pads. Someone may use the pad to write out grocery lists or to plan a checklist of Thanksgiving dishes to cook. Others may share recipes and dessert ideas.

On the actual holiday, a list pad could be used to write out Christmas present ideas from visiting guests or to play a wide range of family games. People may use the list pad to help keep score. Everyone who visits and uses the paper will see your company name and contact information.

2. Can & Bottle Openers

A can opener and bottle opener are often needed for Thanksgiving celebrations. People may need to open up wine bottles, cans of broth, and other foods used in the kitchen. Through promotional branded products, you can order a bulk collection of can and bottle openers with your company logo on them.

Along with the logo, some companies may offer different base colors to help match your branding. Some bottle openers also include magnets, so people who get your products may keep the can opener up on the fridge all year long.

3. Drinkware

As guests come to visit for Thanksgiving, many people will need to ensure they have enough cups for everyone. You can provide free drinkware for customers. Promotional cups come in many forms. You could order disposable plastic cups, hard mugs, or fancy glasses. Every time someone goes to grab their drink, your logo is on full display.

You could pair the cups with other custom products like coasters.

4. Mints & Candies

Help provide an after-dinner Thanksgiving treat in the form of mints or candies. When you order promotional mints and candies, your logo gets printed right on the outside of each wrapper. Someone could set up a whole bowl with your custom candies in the middle. Along with individual candies, you may order custom tins with your logo and company name on the outside.

The treats offer a nice way to cap off a Thanksgiving meal and can help spread your branding.

Shop online to find one or more of the promotional products for your company.

About Me
The Gift Psychic

Hello and welcome to my blog! I'm Marlene Washington and I am what my friends often call a gift psychic. I'm not actually a psychic, but I have a knack for guessing exactly what my friends would love to see appear under the Christmas tree. I spend so much time perusing both online and offline stores that I can think of the perfect gift for anyone on my list. Around Christmas dinner, my family unanimously decided that I shouldn't keep my shopping secrets to myself, so I decided to share them with the whole world through my weblog. Please enjoy!
