3 Ways To Use A Shadow Box In Your Child's Room
You might currently have a shadow box hanging up somewhere in your home with some of your favorite trinkets, but you may have never thought about buying one for your child. However, a shadow box can be used in various ways in your child's bedroom. These are a few ways that you can do so.
1. Display Beloved Toys
If your child has some beloved toys that he or she does not play with anymore, you shouldn't just toss them in the trash. Instead, you can try displaying them in a shadow box. This can be a great way to preserve memories from your son or daughter's childhood, and many kids are comforted by the idea of having their old favorite toys on display somewhere in their room, even if they don't play with them anymore. For example, a shadow box can be perfect for showing off a doll collection or even a baseball card collection. Plus, along with being good for displaying these items, a shadow box can help keep them safe from dirt, dust and other things as well.
2. Display Trophies, Medals and Ribbons
If your child participates in sports, plays an instrument or is otherwise involved in extracurricular activities, he or she might have earned some trophies, medals and ribbons along the way. You might be really proud of your son or daughter for his or her achievements, and you could be wondering about the best way to show it. By putting these awards in a shadow box and displaying them in your child's room, you can keep these awards safe and can make it easy for your little one to share his or her achievements with family and friends.
3. Create a Finger Puppet Stage
If you are looking for something fun to do with a shadow box, you may want to consider creating a finger puppet stage. A shadow box is the perfect size to be used for this purpose, and you can store the costumes and other related items for the finger puppet stage inside the shadow box when not in use. This can be a good way to encourage your child to unleash his or her creativity.
As you can see, if you have not yet thought about using a shadow box in your child's room, it can be a good idea to do so. These are just three ways that a shadow box, such as from Hoosier Highlander, could be useful and fun for your son or daughter.